5 things I learned AFTER the abuse

  1. I am worthy of love. When you’re in an abusive relationship, it is so easy for you to just become accustomed to it. You start feeling like you are not worthy of true love, that this is the best it will ever get. You have those thoughts, because someone is constantly filling your mind with that negative bullshit. Once you remove yourself from the situation, you start to realize all the lies you were being fed. Everyone is worthy of love. Everyone deserves to be with someone who truly loves them. You are enough – don’t let anyone else tell you differently!

2. I am strong and a warrior. I always thought of myself as being “weak” because I stayed in two different abusive relationships. I hate thinking about how long I stayed, so I focus on the fact that I finally LEFT! Leaving was the scariest thing and I pushed through it – I came out of these relationships stronger than ever.

3. Being single is OK! I think a big reason that I stayed in these relationships is because I thought it was better than being single and alone. Let me tell you something – being single was the best thing I ever did for myself. I was able to find myself, to push myself, and have fun with friends! I never felt alone. The times I felt all alone were the ones that I was laying beside someone who didn’t truly care about me. If you can suffer through the abuse, trust me – you can overcome it as well!

4. You will keep going through the same situation until you learn your lesson. It’s true, I had to go through two abusive relationships to fully learn my lesson. The first one, I was not the one to leave, hence, I did not learn my lesson. I thought him leaving was the end of the world, when really he was doing me a favor. The second time it happened, I finally fought for myself. I was the one to end it. I learned my lesson, and trust me when I say this – I will never be going through that hell ever again. If you find yourself in an abusive relationship – please accept the red flags when you see them instead of making excuses.

5. Some people are just terrible human beings. This is a hard lesson to learn, especially for someone who always sees the good in people. I would constantly make up excuses for why the abuse was happening. Then, one day – it clicked. No matter how much I did for this person, they were never going to change or treat me with respect. I had to stop making excuses and see them for who they truly were- a terrible human being. Once I was able to accept that things were never going to change, the abuse was never going to stop – I was able to leave.

If you’re going through an abusive relationship, you may be like I was – where you think this is the best it’s ever going to get and you are wrong! Please, believe in yourself and see your worth. Don’t believe their lies. They are not going to stop and it will happen again. It is NOT your fault, and you have a right to move on. You deserve someone who truly loves you.

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